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Green Insight Japan established as a university-based company

Home > News & Events > Green Insight Japan established as a university-based company

The University of Shizuoka approved Green Insight Japan, Inc. as a university-based company on August 28, 2020, bringing the number of such companies at the University to ten. The company was established by Dr. Hirokazu Kobayashi, former professor in the Laboratory of Plant Molecular Improvement in the Graduate School of Nutritional and Environmental Sciences.

The company deals with the production of biologics in plants, the creation of drought-tolerant and productivity-enhanced plants, the biofortification of pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals in plants, and the provision of lectures on subjects such as “Japanology” in English.

Before retiring in 2020, Dr. Kobayashi carried out research for 29 years on the molecular mechanisms underlying the biogenesis of chloroplasts responsible for photosynthesis in plant leaves and their application to the production of nutraceuticals, pharmaceuticals and biologics in plants.
Company Information
Company name: Green Insight Japan, Inc., a University of Shizuoka-Based Company
Established: August 17, 2020
Place: 1-3-15-1906 Kusanagi, Shimizu-ku, Shizuoka 424-0886, Japan
CEO: Hirokazu Kobayashi; COO: Kyoko Kobayashi
Projects: Commercialization of intellectual property related to plants and the provision of educational materials in English via the internet

Additional Information
What is a university-based company?
University-based companies are expected to promote innovation in the development of new markets with novel products derived from intellectual property with commercialization potential.
Translated from the website of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Japan: [ https://www.meti.go.jp/policy/innovation_corp/start-ups/start-ups.html ]


Green Insight Japan, Inc.
Hirokazu Kobayashi
Phone: 050-3554-1600 / E-mail: kobayashi@ginsight-jpn.com
URL: https://www.ginsight-jpn.biz/?lang=en
